Dean Markley 3011 Pro Mag Plus XM Acoustic Pickup
Dean Markley’s ProMag Plus™ acoustical pickup has become an industry standard. ProMag’s perfect balance and maple wood housing give it that smooth, high-end response that you want from an acoustical pickup. ProMag is unsurpassed.Being a single coil pickup, the ProMag Plus™ has bell-like harmonics that sing like no other acoustical pickup. ProMag has gained recognition as the finest sounding acoustic pickup made. ProMag is voiced and balanced at the factory for perfect string balance—treble strings and bass strings will ring out with the same volume. An award wining 15 foot low noise, double-shielded cable terminated with a solderless 1/4″ nickel jack gives you freedom of movement with no worry of noise or hum.
Plug into Dean Markley’s ProMag Plus™ Acoustical Pickup and see just how good your acoustic guitar can sound. ProMag is fantastic!
The Experience
During soundcheck, I discovered that the pickup in my guitar wasn’t working.can sound. ProMag is fantastic!
I didn’t worry too much about it, though, because I figured the battery just needed replacing. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened. Fortunately, I always come prepared; I had a package of batteries in my tackle box.
I put a new battery in… and nothing happened. I checked to make sure the cable was all the way in the jack, remembering the embarrassing gig where I kept signaling for the sound man to put more guitar in the monitors—only to discover that I’d forgotten to plug in. Everything looked good there. I tried another battery. Nada. I looked at the date on the package. These batteries should still be fresh. Sticking the battery on my tongue confirmed that it still had plenty of juice. I tried switching out the cable. No luck. It was becoming clear that the problem was with the electronics in the guitar. Swell. Nothing in my tackle box was going to solve this.
I hurried to the music store downtown, and had them look at my guitar. They said they could fix it, but I’d have to leave the guitar with them for a few days. I explained that I was going on stage in less than an hour, and asked if they could rent a guitar to me.
“I’ve got a better idea,” the salesman said, motioning for me to follow him. He stopped at a counter and pointed out a Dean Markley ProMag Plus pickup. “Ever use one of these?” I shook my head. “It’s easy. You just slip it in the soundhole and plug it in. And after you’re done, you can take it back out. There are no modifications to your guitar, and it sounds terrific.”
You know something? He was right. It did sound terrific. In fact, it sounded so good, I decided not to bother with having my guitar’s electronics repaired. And my tackle box is a lot lighter without all those batteries.
Dean Markley ProMag Plus… great sound that never quits.
Additional Information:
PLU: | DM3011 |