Art Tube MP Tube Microphone Preamp
The Tube MP is the world’s most popular external tube microphone preamp. Whether you’re working with a digital, computer or analog recording system, the Tube MP’s TEC award nominated design will allow you to obtain professional recording studio results at a fraction of the cost of comparable equipment. While its primary application is to be used with a microphone, the Tube MP is an exceptional direct box – impedance matching, amplifying and improving the sound of any instrument plugged into it.
The Tube MP offers superior performance and sound quality to the “on-board” preamps found in today’s low-cost mixers and multi-trackers. Its sound has been consistently favored over other products costing upwards to ten-times its price. Professional quality sound combined with professional features like: a hand-selected 12AX7a tube, phantom power and phase reverse are what have made the Tube MP a staple in thousands of studios worldwide. For a minimal investment, a Tube MP can provide the single largest improvement to the sound of your studio.
 Provides Superior Preamplification for: Microphones, Instruments and Line Level Sources
 Hand Selected 12AX7a Provides 70dB of Gain Smooth, Warm and • Fat Sound Quality
 Variable Input and Output Gain Controls
 Excellent as a Tube DI
 XLR and 1/4″ Inputs and Outputs +48 volts
 Phantom Power
 Phase Reversal Switch
 Superior Sonic Performance to On-Board Preamps
 TEC-Award Nominated Design
 Portable, All Steel Construction
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